Friday, August 17, 2012

Living in the present etc... Kind of stream of conscious lol

I am really convinced that most of the worry, angst and unhappiness of our lives comes from our not living in the present and our natural inclination to control things. Imagine if God granted you the gift, if only for a day, to only be able to live in the present. By noon, without great strain you already could not remember what you had for breakfast, that you were almost late for work and that your kids were screaming for WAY too long. You also couldn't remember exactly what it was you were supposed to do this evening, let alone later this week. How would that change your perspective? You would literally be forced to just focus on the present moment. And if you can't remember... once you accept that you can't remember (we'll move onto that control thing in a minute) then, really the only thing TO do is be fully present, in the present. The things you have to do cannot cause you stress because they are not a part of your NOW, the things that happened this morning cannot weigh on you, because they are not a part of your NOW.... and NOW, all by itself, without all of that other stuff mountained on top of it... really is something you CAN do. But in living in the present, there is a certain amount of control that we lose... and that can be maddening for some of us. There is a sense of false security in thinking that we can actually control a lot in our life... when really we are just seeking knowledge, which doesn't change the inevitable end at all. I imagine, in my “live in the present” day, that pretty quickly I would realize that since I could only live in the moment, if there was something that truly was within my scope of “control” that I should be responsible for, I would write it down when I thought about it in the present so that I could do that thing later... for example, “Take Melanie to the doctor at 5pm”. However, what I probably would NOT do is waste my time writing down things like “Call the agency and see if anything new has happened.” …. Its important to notice where our focus is. At the moment I might be tempted to call our agency, as waiting is no fun, and try to glean some sort of early information (they already do update us every month!) as to where we are on the waiting list. But in reality, all this sort of thinking does, is rob our joy of the present, worrying about something we have no control over. Any information I glean from that conversation will not change anything about our timeline, or the update we will receive in a couple weeks. All it will do is give me more information, of which I really cannot do much with... except feel informed LOL And its so easy to feel like we have some sort of control when we have information. And not to say, there are not many important things to learn. Absolutely! I rarely have my nose out of a book.. Just reflecting today, that in every situation... in the present moment, I have found that normally it is pretty easy to discern if there is anything that you can do about the situation, or if it should be placed in God's hands to handle, because there really isn't anything you can do. I think a lot more of the things in our life fit into the second category. I do believe, for the things that we discern there are things we CAN do, it would be negligent of ourselves to not do them... but for the things that we discern there is nothing we can do (and as I said, I've found its usually clear pretty fast when this is the case).. we need to let go and let God :) He asks us to Trust Him over and over... and its so easy for us to instead, trust ourselves when we goof stuff up all the time.

Not sure if I should reread this... it might be complete confusion as I kinda just tossed all the mess of my mind down LOL But if there is anything that makes sense.. YAY Happy FRIDAY

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Busy, busy, busy and an UPDATE!

We got another update from our agency!! Its been such a busy week that I haven't had a chance to post.  We had the kids at Camp Dearborn with Brians' family, and then had our kickoff retreat for the diaconate. It was nice to visit with the family for the better chunk of a week, and, in proper "Brian and Carrie style", come home and within the course of less than 24 hours, unpack.... wash... pack.... drop kids off at their respective "weekend getaways" ... and get on the road. The retreat weekend was really nice. We were gathered for the first time with all of the men that were also accepted into formation, and their wives.  These are the people that we will walk this path with... and its pretty exciting to look at the group and know that some semblance of them will be ordained deacons in four years!  We do not know what the future will bring, but are so excited to walk the path God has put in front of us!  We see only an open path.  And that's the thing, with life.... really, no one ever knows exactly what the end of any path will be... only the direction it is headed.  And the way you look at the path affects how you view the journey. If you start walking a path, deciding where it is destined to end... then every turn or fork in the road is viewed as something that is "wrong" ... something that "wasn't supposed to happen", and with your eyes focused so on your predetermined end, you miss your chance to absorb all the beauty of each step of the walk.  So, we walk :) As we do everyday, in faith and love of Christ, excited to learn and grow with each step of the journey....  And wherever it leads, praise Him!!  And of course, weekends like this also give us a great opportunity to be reminded of how blessed we are with the great support system we have that even makes it possible for us to venture out in faith as we do.  We have four kids... Four AMAZING kids... but four kids, and many people struggle to find  help watching even a couple kids.  We are so thankful to my sister and her husband, my parents and our great friend for watching our kids this weekend (and in many other circumstances Brian's parents other friends, church family) ... Not only did they volunteer to watch our kids, but did so much to literally make it a "Weekend getaway" for our kids.  They are such special people in our lives, and our kids lives that they truely celebrate these moments when they get to spend time with them!! We thank God often, for the beautiful, crazy lives He has blessed us with!!

NOW.. the update!!! I guess a long blog is what happens when I skip for a weekish LOL...   The Walkers are NUMBER:

Just a little movement since our "mid month" update... But movement none the less!! It's so exciting to inch closer and closer to referral day. We are hopeful for faster movement soon, as many many children will be returning home and a lot of space will be freed up for more new referrals at our agency in the next month or two. We know that God's timing is perfect, and we rest in that.  Doesn't mean I'm not starting to get very curious about our little one.  It's so crazy to think that we have a son/daughter that is already alive... on the other side of the world, and we don't know who they are yet.  I wonder what they will look like, when they were born... can't wait to see that little face in referral pictures!  For now, we walk the path (there's that path again!!!) and pray everyday for our child... and not only our child, but the people who are caring for him now.  And I pray not only for the care they give him/her but also for the caregivers themselves.  Right now, they are the only person our child can reach to..  We have all had a moment in our lives when we were "the" person that someone's world was centered around.  When we were the ones that were in such an important place in another person's life.  It is a huge responsibility but also a huge blessing.  So, for this moment, when they are the center of our child's world... when there is no known person, yet, that will be coming forward for this child... may they reap every blessing and grace, that comes with being the center of my son/daughter's life.  For I know as soon as our child is matched with us, in the minds and hearts of these people there will be mixed emotions.  They will be so happy to know this child will be loved in a family forever, but also, for them, a timeclock starts ticking... and their "moment in the sun" with this child is already starting to fade.  So I pray for them to relish and enjoy and bask in their moment in the sun, until, in God's infinite wisdom, it is our time to step into the rays.