Saturday, February 16, 2013


It's a BOY!!! The day has finally come, and we are so in love already!   Last Friday our caseworker Sally called us with some loose information on a little boy and wanted to know if we would be interested.  He was going to be two in a few months... and of course we said yes!  She was leaving for Africa the following day and asked for our patience and she would send over all of his information as soon as possible.  We were so anxious but at the same time so happy that she was willing to call us with anything when she was so busy with packing and whatnot the day before leaving on a huge trip! We waited and waited... and finally... when I least expected it I received an email late Wednesday night.  I had given up hope at that point on Wednesday because it was already extremely late in Ghana, where our caseworker was, .... but amazingly she was awake and sending me our lil guy's information!!!  What an angel! I'm sure she was so tired.   We accepted his referral and printed out lots of pictures.   We are not allowed to post his picture online until after we go to court in Ethiopia.  But as a part of our Valentine's Day surprise for the kids we put his pictures in separate envelopes for each of them and had them open them first.  I wish I had video taped!!! They were soooo excited, squealing and jumping!! Dominic is already making plans for bunk beds when he gets a lil bit bigger. Here are a few snap shots of their faces when they first got glimpse of their new little brother!

It is amazing to reflect over the waiting time and see how God had knit THIS child on my heart from the very beginning.  When our call to adoption was first confirmed, there was a day in prayer when I was praying for our child to be.... and I saw him standing there holding Mary's hand...  a little guy, but standing... a toddler to be sure.  I remember asking the agency about toddlers and she told me they really dont get them very often.  She said they normally get younger babies or children over three, but occasionally a toddler does come through.  So we went into our nine month wait expecting that we would probably be matched with a younger child.  Yet the whole wait I had a place in my heart pulling to be the mother of a child who's mother had to part with them after having them for a year or more.... yet two months ago our caseworker was again telling me, when I asked her if there were any kids close to being ready,  that toddler's really just don't come through very often so she didn't expect that specifically .. but you just really never know, things change in a moments notice....   And  the child that comes up for us is in fact a toddler, in exactly the circumstance I had on my heart :)  God is good :)  And he is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! He's gonna be a heart breaker for sure!

Now that we have accepted our case will be submitted to court early next week.  We will wait on hearing first of when the birthmother's court date is and then following that we will be given our court date, which is when we go for our first trip.  Following our first trip we return home, until his travel papers are ready and then we will return to bring him home.  Please storm heaven that all of this goes as quickly as possible, as we cannot wait to go meet this little guy and hug him to a million pieces!!!


I hold you in my heart and touch you in my dreams.
You are here each day with me, at least that's how it seems.

I know you wonder where we are... what's taking us so long.
But remember child, I love you so and God will keep you strong.

Now go outside and feel the breeze and let it touch your skin...
Because tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.

May God hold you in His hand until I can be with you.
I promise you, my darling, I'm doing all that I can do.

Very soon, you'll have a family for real, not just pretend.
But for tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind.

May God wrap you in His arms and hold you very tight.
And let the angels bring the kisses that I send to you each night.

--- Unknown

Saturday, February 2, 2013

We can't be far!!!!

We got our monthly update.  And as much as I dreaded seeing us on the list again, and only one higher... this update has be EXCITED :)   And I'll share what's getting me excited so you all can be UBER ANXIOUS with me LOL!   So to start.... the Walkers are

And at that number, with the people ahead of us and what they are waiting for we are next in line for a boy over 5 months old. And I shall copy and paste the line from the last update that I keep rereading and is giving me all sorts of butterflies!!!

Potential Referrals - We have a 2 referrals VERY close to referring and others (3-5 that should be quite soon...the ones that are close to referring are all boys and 4 years & under)

Ahhh!  We can't be far!!!