Monday, July 15, 2013


Is it possible?!  Can it really be, that its been an entire month since we walked off the plane with this curious fellow?

How's he doing? How's it going?  He's doing amazingly well.  We started off the month petrified of the woo-shas (dogs) and are now pushing them around the house.  He started off the month loving his brother and sister, and STILL love his brother and sisters.  His sisters love to dote on him, and there is a lot more rough tumbling in the house now with two boys instead of one.  Its not uncommon for me to see Noah hanging around Dominic's neck, or pouncing him!  Dominc's loving it :)

  He's learning so fast...  he seems to understand a lot of what we say already.  He's got a handful of words he does say... but he's awfullly funny when he wants to converse with us it resembles very closely to the Friends episode when Joey speaks french.  "A-ga-la-la-ya"  smile, laugh, run on merry way :)

I must say, Ethiopians must be extremely affectionate people, I've never been smooched so much by a child!  He'll be playing and I hear "Mama" And he's all puckered up.  I'll be cuddling him to sleep and "Mama, Mama, mwua mwua" Kiss kiss...  All day long.  He kisses babies and everyone!  Such an affectionate kid!!  And so full of joy.  Most of the time it seems like he has more joy inside of him than he can possibly contain.  He def can show a little temper tho, in typical two year old fashion, if things get taken away or fun (such as turning the knobs on stoves kind of fun) is stopped LOL

He LOVES water.  Whether it be in the pool, bath or from a hose, no matter.  The boy is a fool for water!  And of course, the water (in his opinion) doesn't HAVE to be outside.  Why, the refrigerator produces water... lets flood the kitchen!!! The bathroom sink and bathtub faucets are reachable... lets just turn them on cause its more fun to have water running than not running, right??  He is a two year old... and thus his definition of fun is a lil bit mischief :) its in his job description!

He really is a good friend to all..  I can't think of anyone he doesn't like.  No one he's particularly scared of or cries around.  That being said, he's already figured out who mama and daddy are.  He prefers us, and gravitates to us first (VERY good for a newly adopted little fellow).  He got royally ticked at me the other day when I held another baby. LOVE :)  

In many ways it seems like he's always been here.  In some ways we are still figuring out how to juggle 5.  God couldn't have selected a better little boy to fit our family.