Monday, May 21, 2012


When I see things like this it really makes me realize how many of the things that we've conditioned ourselves to believing that we "need" really are not needs at all.  How so many of the things that cause us days and hours of worry and fretting really are not things to worry about at all.  It is amazing how our perspective on life, our perspective on the choices we make, and the things we "need" can change so immensely if we turn our eyes from ourselves and look out to the world.  It's not that there is not enough in this world (food, medicine, shelter etc.) its that many of us have way more than we need... and many of us do not have even close to what we need.   Who can fix that?  God has provided already provided enough...   Its up to us to be His hands and feet in the world and do what He intended with the things He provided.  I believe all of us can be hope to the hopeless, in some way.  All of us have some part to play to "heal the world."  Happy Monday :) 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I know there are plenty of people out there that probably think I'm crazy (this is NOT new information! LOL!)  But I am SO incredibly excited when I picture a 5th little one in my army of children.  When I see them play in the backyard and imagine another little one amongst them.... SO FUN!! :)  Its so hard to believe in a few short months we will get to see their face for the first time.  Can't wait for June 1st so that we can see where we've moved on the wait list!!

Also, my sister and I are going to be doing a garage sale in June.  All proceeds will go towards our adoptions.  If you have anything you might be willing to donate we would be so appreciative!  If not, if you are willing to spread the word once we have a date and of course, please, pray for its success!!!  As it turns out, garage sales are a lot of work!! YAY!!!

CAN'T WAIT FOR #5!!! Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Invisible Red Thread

There is an ancient Chinese belief which states that when a child is born an invisible red thread connect that child's soul to all those people - present and in the future - who will play a part in that child's life. As each birthday passes, those threads shorten and tighten, bringing closer those people who are fated to be together.

On this Mother's Day, I reflect on this belief... and the invisible red thread in my own life, and all of the people it has connected me to, and how they have helped shape me into the person I am today. And today, I think of the mothers it has connected me to. Of course, the first thought goes to those immediately closest.. the ones I was knit to from the beginning. My own mom, probably never realized that by letting me take in every homeless and sick animal and care for it, that allowing those things in me to be nurtured and grow would lead me to have a desire to care for , and bring into my home and family, those who do not have families of their own. In, having such an open door in our home growing up and many “Adopted kids” that I would learn to define family not only by blood. My own grandmother, who I watched walk up and down the streets of Detroit, bringing special treats to all the kids and families regardless of race or religion, showed me in such a simple way how to be Christ to the world. My other grandmother, whose selfless devotion to her husband shows how love is so often shown in the doing.... So many examples like these in those within our own family, some in simple ways, some profound.

I then think of the invisible red thread, weaving through every person and circumstance. Every mother God intended me to see, that I might glean something from her and grow, even if only from seeing her for a few moments. The mother patiently caring for her children, the mother who carried her sick son on oxygen to see the Easter bunny and rejoiced in his having that moment regardless of the hardship on her, the mother striving to teach her children to pray and learn right from wrong, the mother who sets aside her work and takes her kids to the park so that they can enjoy the day though it means sleepless hours for her, the mothers who's blogs I happened upon, or maybe just photos I have seen.... each encounter, when taken it, helps shape me as a mother and grow into whom God intended me to be.

I then think of the mothers that I have been knit so close to, that many would never have guessed on the day I was born. I am forever knit to a beautiful woman in Guatemala. I may never meet her, I may never see her face to face, but I love her. How could I not love her? I love what came from her, what was created within her. In my daughter Isabel, in so many ways I see this invisible red thread tied so tight between me and her birthmother. We may never know each other, but we work together in the way God planned. The day Isabel was handed to me there were so many things a part of her, that I did not give her. Her amazing smile with a little dimple, her compassionate heart, her gifts for art and so much more. I am so blessed to get to help her grow with the gifts that were given to her when she was created, but a part of them will always be her birthmother's. A part of her always will be hers. And that does not mean I don't love her completely...I ABSOLUTELY do. But I don't see how I could possibly say that I love her, and not love the person who brought her into the world?  :) This woman has a love that I would like to believe I would have … She has a faith I would like to believe I would have... and I have learned so much from her “yes”... though she may never know. I pray God has given her some peace in her heart. I pray that when she sees an 8 year old girl and wonders how the little girl she brought into the world is, that she knows somehow that that little girl, that she placed in the hands of a lawyer trusting she would find a family to love her is happy, healthy and loved so very much. I am also forever knit to the woman who selflessly brought Isabel to her family for almost a year, caring for her until we could bring her home. Offering love, offering to have her heart broken, all for the love of a child.

And of course I think of the birthmother I am already knit to, though I do not know who it is yet... and the similar connection that is being formed...

I look at my beautiful children, and imagine what God has in store for all of them. He has blessed me so with each and every one of them, and I can only imagine the beautiful tapestry that will be weaved with each and every one of their lives.

God Bless all of you, as you all play such an important role in my life. And today especially, God bless all Mothers... and special prayers to our Mother in heaven. And I am so thankful He has chosen to make me a mom, and that He has blessed me with being tied to so many amazing mothers in my life, that I may learn from them and grow into the mother He intends me to be.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Today, on my birthday, IT'S OFFICIAL!!  WE ARE ON THE WAIT LIST!
YAY! Praise God!  The Walkers are:

The agency expects approximately 6 month wait for referral.... but if things continue with referrals at the pace they have been it could very well be much faster than that.  Please keep us in your prayers as we wait.  Also, please pray for our child.... that God watch over them and hold them in His arms until we are able to come and bring them home.  Also, please pray for our child's birthmother.  Whether she is pregnant right now, struggling to care for this child and realizing it is not possible, or already placed them in an orphanage and praying that someone will bring them home to their family and love them.... I cannot imagine the weight on her heart, and the faith it must take to walk such a path.  And I pray God has given her a peace, to know on some level, that someone has said "yes"

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Our agency just informed me that they received our paperwork back from Assistant Stork today (which is again, faster than I anticipated... Praise God!) and that our dossier will be in the mail to Ethiopia tomorrow!! Tomorrow is my birthday :)  I cannot imagine a better present for my birthday!  I am so incredibly blessed with an amazing husband, beautifully amazing children, a wonderful family, the best friends that God could possibly create!  And now, the paper chase for our 5th child is done!  Our paperwork is officially on it's way to Ethiopia and the next big news we will have (Aside from fundraising and preparing the house for a 5th child) is actually seeing our child's face for the first time at referral.  A day that will forever be etched in our memory...  I still remember everything about that day with Isabel.  A number of people have asked, but we are not requesting a gender.  God knows what our family needs far better than we do, and He knows what child needs us far better than we do.... so we leave this, as we leave everything, in His hands.  At this point it's anyone's guess, as many of the families ahead of us on the wait list are not requesting a gender.... soooo we shall see :)  CAN'T WAIT!!! God is SO good! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Isabel's First Communion

Isabel Made her First Holy Communion yesterday!  What a special day for her! She has been so excited for it for weeks now, and we all loved sharing in her special day.  What a blessing it was to be able to see her receive Our Lord for the First time.  Here are some pictures from her special day:

Where Did the time go??  It seems like yesterday, she was wearing this white dress....  
We love you, Isabel and are so proud of our special little girl!! You are growing up so fast and are such a compassionate, sensitive and sweet little girl.  We are so thankful that God has entrusted you to us, and blessed us with you as our daughter. May God Bless you on your First Holy Communion and always.

Friday, May 4, 2012

My favorite Adoption Videos

It's Friday :)  A good day to sit back and enjoy some of my favorite adoption videos.  They are truly inspiring, and beautiful families. Can't wait to make my own :)  Enjoy!!

Issac Temesgen's Gotcha Day

Lucy Lane's Gotcha Day

Bringing Yohannes Home

Thursday, May 3, 2012

And they're off!

Our papers were put in the mail today!!! Out of our hands, and the only job now is to wait!!  Isabel was the proud deliverer of the important mail, and God Bless the mail clerk at the Post Office.  I do believe my mailing request was the most complicated of the week.  From here our documents go off to get authenticated, and then off to Ethiopia (they should be heading to Ethiopia in about a week).  We will then be on the waiting list for a referral of a child!! YAY!!! Our agency just started working with a 6th orphanage in Ethiopia and referrals are picking up so, God willing, our wait to see our child's face for the first time won't be TOO long!!!

I will say, that this adoption process has been such a blessing in so many ways.  Not the least of which, is having Isabel be able to experience this adoption.  There is nothing like learning by doing.  We've explained to her her whole life about her journey to us, and her adoption.  How God called us, how excited we were, all the things we did while we waited.... but its one thing to explain, its another thing to experience it.  I don't think its possible to truly understand what is meant behind the words until you live it.  And so many times in this process already, as we were meeting with the social worker, as we travelled to Brian's work time and again to scan documents to send to the agency, as the kids ask over and over "how long until we see our baby?"... She will ask, "Did you do this when you adopted me?".... and the answer is always yes, and we are able to share with her exactly how it was with her adoption.   And seeing this firsthand, is really inspiring me in general, to try to "live" as much of what we want our children to learn as possible.  Put those words into action!!!  And one last time today : YAY!!! OUR PAPERS ARE ON THEIR WAY!!! WE WILL BE ON THE WAITING LIST SOON!!!! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I will not leave you orphans...

I saw it again today....  I've seen it so many times over the years.  I first really started noticing it when we were in the process to adopt Isabel.   And so many times since she's been home.... and now that we are in the process to adopt another child...  and I saw it again today.

I went to get one of my last documents notarized before sending them off to Ethiopia (YAY!!! Tomorrow God willing!) and the notary noticed the document... "Department of Homeland Security??   Ethiopia??"  And I told her that these were documents for an international adoption. And then I saw, what I've seen so many times before...  that far off, glazed over look.  And then when she spoke I've heard what I have heard so many times before, that yearning, that desire... that CALL.  "Oh I've always wanted to do that...."  Of course I encouraged her to explore it.  God doesn't put these things in your heart for no reason.  You see, the God I know is a God that keeps His promises.  He was born a man to save us from our own death, because He is so faithful to His promises.  And He promised... "I will not leave you orphans... I will come to you".  There are 147 million orphans in the world.  That means, there are 147 million people that are being called to bring these children home.... or do something so that they are not orphans.  It is not that God is not being faithful to His promise, its that we are not hearing Him.  He has hand picked families for every one of those children.  And I can tell you I've met hundreds already that He is placing it in their hearts.  We have to remember that God cannot work on this Earth, except through us.  We have to say "yes". I know it can be scary, and intimidating, and often there are hundreds of reasons not to look into it, but really we only need one good reason TO do it and it trumps all the others.  If God is placing it in your heart, if He is calling you to do it, then everything else will be worked out (see blog "Go!" for more information on this lol).  Now, do I think everyone is called to adoption.. No! Absolutely not!  God has a purpose for all of us, and it is different for every single one of us.  But I do think he is calling a lot more than are doing it.  In fact, about 147 million more :)    Ok I'll hop off my soap box for now lol  God Bless you all!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Melanie is 3!!!

Melanie is 3 today!!!  I can't believe my little girl has grown up so much.  Many people often say "I don't know how you do it" or are in awe of having four kids and in process for our fifth.  I can't imagine NOT doing it.  This fourth little angel of ours (much like our other 3) is such a gift from God.  She is such a crazy and fun little girl.  She adds sunshine to the day of everyone she encounters.  This morning I come down stairs and am greeting by a jumping Melanie "Gooood Mooowwwnnninggg Mama!!".  I tell her Happy Birthday, and she says "It's not my birthday!!" LOL!!  Apparently having her party early confused her a bit, but she had a fun day, and was able to join us for dinner with her birthday buddy, her great grandma (aka Nana) and much of the family. And got her own little cake as well :) God Bless them both!!! We love you muchly!!