Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I will not leave you orphans...

I saw it again today....  I've seen it so many times over the years.  I first really started noticing it when we were in the process to adopt Isabel.   And so many times since she's been home.... and now that we are in the process to adopt another child...  and I saw it again today.

I went to get one of my last documents notarized before sending them off to Ethiopia (YAY!!! Tomorrow God willing!) and the notary noticed the document... "Department of Homeland Security??   Ethiopia??"  And I told her that these were documents for an international adoption. And then I saw, what I've seen so many times before...  that far off, glazed over look.  And then when she spoke I've heard what I have heard so many times before, that yearning, that desire... that CALL.  "Oh I've always wanted to do that...."  Of course I encouraged her to explore it.  God doesn't put these things in your heart for no reason.  You see, the God I know is a God that keeps His promises.  He was born a man to save us from our own death, because He is so faithful to His promises.  And He promised... "I will not leave you orphans... I will come to you".  There are 147 million orphans in the world.  That means, there are 147 million people that are being called to bring these children home.... or do something so that they are not orphans.  It is not that God is not being faithful to His promise, its that we are not hearing Him.  He has hand picked families for every one of those children.  And I can tell you I've met hundreds already that He is placing it in their hearts.  We have to remember that God cannot work on this Earth, except through us.  We have to say "yes". I know it can be scary, and intimidating, and often there are hundreds of reasons not to look into it, but really we only need one good reason TO do it and it trumps all the others.  If God is placing it in your heart, if He is calling you to do it, then everything else will be worked out (see blog "Go!" for more information on this lol).  Now, do I think everyone is called to adoption.. No! Absolutely not!  God has a purpose for all of us, and it is different for every single one of us.  But I do think he is calling a lot more than are doing it.  In fact, about 147 million more :)    Ok I'll hop off my soap box for now lol  God Bless you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Carrie, so beautiful. I hope some young families hear the call and listen like your family has. God Bless you Roxanne
