Thursday, May 10, 2012


Today, on my birthday, IT'S OFFICIAL!!  WE ARE ON THE WAIT LIST!
YAY! Praise God!  The Walkers are:

The agency expects approximately 6 month wait for referral.... but if things continue with referrals at the pace they have been it could very well be much faster than that.  Please keep us in your prayers as we wait.  Also, please pray for our child.... that God watch over them and hold them in His arms until we are able to come and bring them home.  Also, please pray for our child's birthmother.  Whether she is pregnant right now, struggling to care for this child and realizing it is not possible, or already placed them in an orphanage and praying that someone will bring them home to their family and love them.... I cannot imagine the weight on her heart, and the faith it must take to walk such a path.  And I pray God has given her a peace, to know on some level, that someone has said "yes"


  1. That is so awesome! Is Kristen already on the wait list? So in 6 months you could have your baby home? Im excited for you guys!!!

    1. Within the next 6 months we will be matched with our child. At that point a whole new process begins. After about 2 months we will travel to Ethiopia to meet our child and appear in court.. then we return home without them while they prepare their travel paper work. About 2 months after our first trip one of us will return to bring them home :)
