Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Our agency just informed me that they received our paperwork back from Assistant Stork today (which is again, faster than I anticipated... Praise God!) and that our dossier will be in the mail to Ethiopia tomorrow!! Tomorrow is my birthday :)  I cannot imagine a better present for my birthday!  I am so incredibly blessed with an amazing husband, beautifully amazing children, a wonderful family, the best friends that God could possibly create!  And now, the paper chase for our 5th child is done!  Our paperwork is officially on it's way to Ethiopia and the next big news we will have (Aside from fundraising and preparing the house for a 5th child) is actually seeing our child's face for the first time at referral.  A day that will forever be etched in our memory...  I still remember everything about that day with Isabel.  A number of people have asked, but we are not requesting a gender.  God knows what our family needs far better than we do, and He knows what child needs us far better than we do.... so we leave this, as we leave everything, in His hands.  At this point it's anyone's guess, as many of the families ahead of us on the wait list are not requesting a gender.... soooo we shall see :)  CAN'T WAIT!!! God is SO good! 

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